Loving God (16)

Love facilitates religion. It oils the wheels of the affections, and makes them more lively and cheerful in God's service. Love takes off the tediousness of duty. Jacob thought seven years but little, for the love he bore to Rachel. Love makes duty a pleasure.https://www.ccel.org/ccel/watson/cordial.ix.html

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You who have love to God, labour to preserve it; let not this love die, and be quenched.

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Love to God will never let sin thrive in the heart.

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he who loves God, hates that which would separate between him and God, and that is sin.The Ten Commandments, 8

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Love to God is the best self-love. It is self-love to get the soul saved; by loving God, we forward our own salvation. "He that dwelleth in love, dwelleth in God, and God in him" (I John iv. 16). And he is sure to dwell with God in heaven, that has God dwelling in his heart. So that to love God is the truest self-love; he that does not love God, does not love himself.https://www.ccel.org/ccel/watson/cordial.ix.html

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Why are the angels so swift and winged in God's service? It is because they love Him. Love is never weary. He that loves God, is never weary of telling it. He that loves God, is never weary of serving Him.https://www.ccel.org/ccel/watson/cordial.ix.html

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There are but few that love God: many give Him hypocritical kisses, but few love Him. It is not so easy to love God as most imagine. The affection of love is natural, but the grace is not. Men are by nature haters of God (Rom. i. 30). The wicked would flee from God; they would neither be under His rules, nor within His reach. They fear God, but do not love Him. All the strength in men or angels cannot make the heart love God. Ordinances will not do it of themselves, nor judgments; it is only the almighty and invincible power of the Spirit of God can infuse love into the soul. This being so hard a work, it calls upon us for the more earnest prayer and endeavour after this angelic grace of love.https://www.ccel.org/ccel/watson/cordial.ix.html

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The love of Christ is insatiable. The more you experience His redeeming love, the more you desire it. The more you desire it, the more you want to dwell on it. The more you dwell on it, the more you cherish it and are satisfied by it. You can never 'mind' Christ's love too often, since his love knows no bounds.

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We might be wise to follow the insight of the enraptured heart rather than the more cautious reasoning of the theological mind.

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It is not said, God shows mercy to thousands that know his commandments, but that keep them.The Ten Commandments, 79

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The son that loves his father will obey him. Obedience pleases God. 'To obey is better than sacrifice.' 1 Sam xv 22. In sacrifice, a dead beast only is offered; in obedience, a living soul; in sacrifice, only a part of the fruit is offered; in obedience, fruit and tree and all; man offers himself up to God.The Ten Commandments, 79

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Our loving him is from his loving us. If the glass burn, it is because the sun has shone on it; so if our hearts burn in love, it is a sign that the Sun of Righteousness has shone upon us.The Ten Commandments, 11

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Love is the only grace that shall live with us in heaven. In heaven we shall need no repentance, because we shall have no sin; no faith, because we shall see God face to face; but love to God shall abide for ever.The Ten Commandments, 11

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he who loves God cannot find contentment in any thing without him. Give a hypocrite who pretends to love God corn and wine, and he can be content without God; but a soul fired with love to God, cannot be without him. Lovers faint away if they have not a sight of the object loved. A gracious soul can do without health, but cannot do without God, who is the health of his countenance.The Ten Commandments, 8

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[the] love of God expresses itself in love of neighbor (1 John 4:20). Jesus' answer avoids the danger of mysticism, which results in a detached and disembodied love of God; as well as the danger of humanism, which acts toward humanity without reference to God and without the understanding that human beings are inviolable creatures of God.Pillar Commentary

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